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Skin Care Kit Combo Deal

Get Up to 15% Flat Discount - Order combo Pack of Both of Vitamin C+ E & Anti Acne Serum to get Rid of Acne, Scars, Wrinkles and Fineline to Achieve Brighter, Radiant and Fresh Skin.

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Anti Acne Serum

Prevents and Fights Acne

Fades Acne Scars

Balances Skin's Natural Oils

Hydrates Your Skin

Promotes Natural Glow

The Perfect Makeup Primer

Interested to try? Your Serum is 3 Clicks Away🔥

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Vitamin C+E Serum

✨ Fights free radicals, shielding your skin from damage

✨ Brightens hyper-pigmentation for a radiant complexion

✨ Stimulates collagen production for youthful, plump skin

✨ Reverses oxidative damage, giving you a fresh canvas

✨ Diminishes fine lines and wrinkles, revealing smooth skin

Interested to Buy? Your Serum is 3 Clicks Away🔥

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Why is Allura the Best Skin Care Brand?

Acne-Fighting Power

Tired of breakouts? Our Anti-Acne Serum targets acne at its root, preventing new flare-ups and tackling existing ones for clear, confident skin.

Scar-Fading Elixir

Goodbye, acne scars! Allura's Serum fades those reminders of past breakouts, revealing a smoother, even skin tone you'll love.

Oil-Balancing Marvel

Say no to excess oil. Our serum moisturizes while balancing natural oils, giving you a healthy, shine-free complexion.

Glow-Boosting Elixir

Unleash radiance! Allura's Anti-Acne Serum reveals your natural glow, revitalizing your skin and boosting your confidence.

Happy Customers

"This serum is a game-changer! It cleared my acne and made my skin feel amazing. I'm thrilled with the results!"


“Impressive! After a month, my skin is smoother, and my acne scars are fading. It's gentle on sensitive skin.“

Nancy W.

“A true miracle worker! This serum transformed my complexion, making my pores look smaller. Highly recommend! “

Fernanda K.

“ I just wanted to thank you for the impeccable service from you and your staff...I will always look forward to shopping at your store“

Gloria T.

“ Thanks for being so fabulous...and continuing to provide such a wonderful service “

Zeferino G.

“This serum balanced my oily skin and kept major breakouts at bay. It's a must-try for anyone with acne issues.“

Jayce M.

Our Serums Tested by 1000+ People

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